After a disappointed visit to Santisuk Market, we had decided to walk over to the Kim Yong Market that is not too far away from it. this market is famous for the locals and also the tourists.
It’s a bustling market which locals will go to when ever they wanted to buy their groceries or snacks. While reaching the Kim Yong Market, we had ask around to look for Zebbra Brands shop nearby. This place have been recommended by the front shops owner in Kim Yang Market. These shop looks like those shops that we had in Kampung Jawa Melaka
Selling local traditional household items for locals and aunties to buy. True enough there were many zebra pots lying around here. Ranging from all types and shape of Zebra plates and zebra cooking pots. Many sizes of Water kettles, containers and cups. We then decided to walk a while more in this Kim Yong Market. To see are there any stuff that we could buy
Besides fruits, there were even more local foods and snacks in front of the Kim Yong Market building. Just besides of the road, we brought some of the snack here to bring back home. I realised that they even have some ready to eat foods and drinks that we could eat here too. They even have people selling flowers for prayer in this market.’I think this is the Kim Yong morning market that many talks about.