Since last week I heard news about people complaning on their eletricity bill hike. But I have no idea how much the electricity bill has increased. Two days ago, I’ve received my eletricity bill from Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and I was shocked.
My Eletricity bill has increased 500% for my June bill. To clarify on my eletricity bill, I have went to the TNB’s branch to check out why there is such a bill hike on my bill. Eventhough I did not manage to record down the whole conversation of my talking to the TNB personel, I have summarises the reason behind the drastic hike on my bill in this video and hopefully it helps those who have the same problem with me.
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#MCOEletricityBill #shockedwiththebill #tenaganasionalberhad #tnb #eletricitybillincreased #malaysialockdown #kualalumpur #govermentsubsidies #overcharged