Best Beach In France? Cannes Part 2 [Travel Vlog 48] 法国最好的海滩? 戛纳电影节2

This video is part 2 of my Cannes day trip. After we have climb up to the mountain to check out the city view, we have walk down back to the town to shop about their shopping street and also have a walk at their beach. While it’s time for out late lunch, we have decided to check in to one of the restaurant beside the beach. After we have done with out meal, it was so coincident that the sunset was also happening. Hence we have take the opportunity to take some beautiful sunset photos and videos besides the beach before ending our day trip and depart back home.


#travel #daytrip #cannes #france #thecityofstars #europe #travelogue #discovertheworld #sunset #beach #shopping

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