Where to get Healthy Supper in Hatyai [Food Vlog 32] 在合艾哪里可以吃到健康的宵夜

As I’m doing my research on where to go before arriving in Hatyai, I’ve found this shop; Pa-Ea Fresh Milk which is located just about 50 meter away from Lee Garden that is well known with its Steam Bread and Fresh Milk.

After walking and dining at Lee Garden we had drop by to this shop to try out its Steamed Bread and Fresh Milk. The Steamed Bread that we had were soft and fluffy and paired with its Kaya makes it even more perfect. Added with its hot fresh milk drink, this supper is the most healthy supper/desserts that we could get in Hatyai.

In this video, I had shared with you how the foods looks like and what other thing that they sells in the shop.

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