Malaysian Bikes New Regulations [Life Vlog 24] 马来西亚自行车新规

Recently there is a hype talking about the road regulations that cyclist in Malaysia have to adhere with. This is due to the increase of road accident that is happening in the country which forced the government official to take stern action towards those irresponsible cyclist that is using the road.

The regulations that they are going to implement were those regulations that had been around since 1957. Hence it was actually not a new regulations that has been created, but rather a regulation that has been around since 1957 which many are unaware.

After a study on Malaysia’s Road Transport Act 1957 or what we called it Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1957, I have highlighted those clause that is applicable to cycling and had shared it with everyone through this video that I have created based on my understanding.

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